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This page showcases the projects I have committed to during my undergraduate years of study. Through these projects, I aim to exhibit my professional and academic interests in various arenas. Apart from my major courses, I actively engaged in other courses that piqued my interest, such as cultural theories, digital studies, queer studies, and more. With my diverse skills and interests, I am confident that I can bring value to any team or project.

Research Proposal on Online Interpersonal Dynamic

Through my work, I aim to provide people with insights into how modern technology can enhance or hinder communication. My projects delve into the effects of self-image and self-observation using online communication. The project consists one presentation and one research proposal paper. As the final project of my communication arts course, the completion spanned over 3 weeks.

This is the front page of my project presentation on the effects of self-image feed via video-mediated communication

A Partial Inquiry to Internet-Mediated Interpersonal Relationship

In my project, the final paper of my psychology course, I delve into the intricate relationship between the internet and its psychological and sociological impact. As we become more and more connected, this topic grows increasingly pertinent. I aim to take a close look at how the internet affects our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and how it changes the social dynamics of our society.

Standing in Office

An Exploration Towards the Asocial Manifestations on Social Media

In this project, I explore the less-discussed asocial side of online communications. I utilize concepts from several disciplines, including continental philosophy, sociology, and cognitive psychology, to present unique interpretations that challenge the status quo. This project is the final paper of my English cultural theory class, extending over 2 weeks of researching, thinking and composing. 

Pink Liquid
Pink Cream

Digital Content

In addition to the writing samples, I also crafted a gallery of digital content including a small stream-of-conscisouness video piece, an electronic poster on child development, and some pieces of digital artcraft of my personal interests! Check them out for some exciting visual information of my creation.

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